Eight-Bot will be presenting at the Zebra Americas APPFORUM 2017

We are excited that Eight-Bot's Michael Stonis will be presenting at the Zebra Americas APPFORUM 2017 on May 11th at 9:00 am. Zebra's APPFORUM will be an exciting 3-day event for tech leaders and developers to discuss industry trends, deep dive into technology, and engage with others in your field.
The topic of our session will be Xamarin.Forms in the Enterprise. In our session, we will look at integrating Zebra's SDK components into our Xamarin.Forms applications. Using a sample application, we will see what it takes to add the Link-OS and EMDK SDK components to our applications. We will explore the functionality that is available and the best ways to use it across platforms. We will, also, look at how we can make use of features on a platform-by-platform basis to get the most out of the SDKs.
If you are a Xamarin developer and looking to get the most out of your Zebra devices, you won't want to miss this.